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Die Woche provides information for the German speaking people – information, most of which cannot otherwise be obtained in Australia.
Die Woche covers in-depth the political, economical and cultural developments in Europe, brings Australian and world news in a condensed form, reports on activities in Australia, gives information on selected subjects (e.g. science, entertainment, travel) and brings special features for particular groups (e.g. clubs, young people) as well as sports results and comments from Europe (e.g. European Soccer Leagues, Winter Sports, Formula 1).
Die Woche is a weekly newspaper, published every Tuesday.
Die Woche is read every week by more than 30.000 readers.
Die Woche is distributed nationwide by subscription and through news agents. The largest readership lives in New South Wales, followed by Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territories and Tasmania.
IN SHORT: „Die Woche Australien“ provides what the German speaking community requires and is the most effective way of reaching the German speaking community. As this section of the public is rather mixed, there are needs for all sorts of products and services.